Morry Marshall: Repeating the Mistakes of the Past!
Here we go again, right back where we’ve always been. In the 1980s the Apple Mac OS was the best operating system on the planet, and Apple was heading toward a dominant share in the personal computer market. Microsoft MS-DOS had a text interface with arcane commands rather than an easy to use graphical interface. The IBM PC was just getting off the ground.
But, a funny thing happened on the way to market dominance. Apple decided to keep the MAC OS and the MAC architecture proprietary. For some inexplicable reason IBM, historically a company that kept everything to itself, decided to make MS-DOS and the PC architecture open systems. A series of clone manufacturers emerged; and, as the Microsoft operating system evolved, it became overwhelmingly more popular with developers. Easy to see why! Their potential market was much bigger.
Today, Apple has a dominant share in the smartphone market. Apple has also created the tablet PC market and dominates it. The Apple iOS (born as the iPhone OS) is the best smart phone operating system on the planet. It has been ported to the iPad, and it is the interface with the Apple App store for both the iPod and iPad. The App store has far more apps available than any other site. The iPod, the iPad, iOS and the App store are all proprietary.