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August 2019

New Application Design Starts Will Drive 40% of Unit Volumes by 2023, says Semico Research

Many of the traditional end-use applications are experiencing slower design start growth rates due to maturing markets and high design costs. The unit volumes associated with all applications remain healthy, exhibiting an 8.5% CAGR through 2023. However, removing the unit shipments attached to the new, emerging applications drops the CAGR to only 4.3% through 2023.

ASIC Design Starts 2019: New Applications and AI Become Market Drivers

Many of the traditional end-use applications are experiencing slower design start growth rates due to maturing markets and high design costs.  The unit volumes associated with all applications remain healthy, exhibiting an 8.5% CAGR through 2023. However, removing the unit shipments attached to the new, emerging applications drops the CAGR to only 4.3% through 2023.

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Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Design Starts to Increase Over 26% in 2020, says Semico Research

Over the past several years, the Internet of Things (IoT) applications have had a significant impact on ASIC design starts. IoT unit volumes are ultimately expected to be massive, and this category of semiconductors will have a great impact on the overall industry. Semico is now seeing more differentiation in IoT applications in consumer-related products versus Industrial IoT (IIoT) related products.

ASIC Design Starts for 2019 by Key End Market Applications

Semico Research's new report, Design Starts for 2019 by Key End Market Applications, SC106-19, offers a comprehensive analysis of the ASIC design start landscape today and into the future.  It provides excellent data for product planning, marketing and sales activities at fabless semiconductor companies, 3rd Party IP vendors and major OEMs and IDMs.  The report includes:

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