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Crowd Funded: Seriously? A Toothbrush?

When most people talk about the connected home, they tend to scoff at different product ideas.  Take this Smart Toothbrush, on  Most of us would probably roll our eyes at the idea of a connected toothbrush, yet it still has over 20 days to go to fundraise, and yet its already funded ($87K at the time of this writing). 

So what makes this product so special that people are willing to spend $99 - $200 USD on a toothbrush?  

Well, first of all, its sleek and minimal for an electric toothbrush.  There are no bulky parts that stick out, so for aesthetics alone, this is a winner.  Second, this company really focused on the application, or the “why” we need this type of product.  They created not just graphs that show our brushing habits, but games for children that make brushing more fun in general.  

And if you’re a parent, I’m sure you’ve struggled with getting your kid to brush their teeth regularly

Third, if you’re in the market for an electric toothbrush, its relatively affordable.  While you can find some electronic toothbrushes for about $40, there are also many that are $100+.  

Inside this brush, you’re looking at an accelerometer, gyro, and magnetometer.  Check out their kickstarter and see what you think.  Is this just a gimmick, where the only people who will ever purchase this product are the backers, or is this an indicator at where the future of dental care is headed?  
