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December 2017

Semico Technology Brief -- System Design: More Options, More Design Starts?

In an ongoing effort to address major concerns and trends in the IP and design market spaces, there have been many alternative technologies offered as possible solutions.  Dielets or Chiplets is one such technology and it has recently gained momentum in that dialogue, highlighted by multiple discussions and conferences toward their use in multi-die subsystems and systems.
System Design: More Options, More Design Starts?,  a new Technology Brief from Semico, provides key insight into the dielet/chiplet technology and its possible adoption.

Table of Contents: 

Analog Market Revenue Growth Hits Double Digits in 2017, Says Semico Research

As electronic systems evolved to mobile devices, the importance of analog products has grown. Interfacing with the real world via cameras, touch, gesture controls, audio and video applications all require RF (radio frequency) analog functionality. In addition, power management ICs are critical to the success of these devices to reduce the power drain on the battery. These growing applications have added significant volumes to the analog unit sales.

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