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Jay Cormier Speaks on Energy Metering in the Home and Enterprise

Jay Cormier, VP and GM of Energy Measurement and Communications for Teridian, spoke at the Semico Outlook 2010 Event this morning.  The topic was "Sub-metering in the home & enterprise...The Next Wave."  Some of the problems facing the energy industry today include higher demand than supply forecasted for the next twenty years, amid an aging electrical grid system in the U.S.  The solution is the smart grid, which could save up to $75 billion in capex costs in the US over the next twenty years, in addition to reduced electricity consumption and opex savings. 

Mr. Cormier talked about "demand smoothing" ideas such as time-of-use pricing to help reduce electricity demand at peak hours.  This will reduce energy prices and cut infrastructure spending, since utilities must build to support the highest peak demand.  Energy measurement and control will exist at the device level in the form of smart meters and thermostats, and at the building level with energy efficient lighting and automated local and remote control of major equipment.  Energy savings from more efficient industrial and commercial lighting represents another huge opportunity.  Potential smart appliances in the Smart Home include thermostats, clothes washers and dryers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, stoves, lighting, heaters, air conditioners, electric vehicles, and pool pumps.  Vampire power repesents up to 10% of the total power used in the home, and time-of-use power billing from the utility will drive interest in smart plugs and power strips.  Mr. Cormier believes that energy measurement ICs will become ubiquitous.

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