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October 2009

Chips and Change Book Review

Chips and Change:  How Crisis Reshapes the Semiconductor Industry

By Clair Brown and Greg Linden

The MIT Press © 2009

The cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry is well known, but too little attention is paid to the underlying factors.  A just published book, Chips and Change, by Clair Brown and Greg Linden, discusses eight recurring, interactive crises that have shaped the semiconductor industry and contributed to its market cycles:  These crises and some examples are:

Top 5 High Growth Markets Supports Semico’s Predictions of 2009 and 2010

Semiconductor Industry to See Strong Gains in the Consumer Market

Phoenix, Arizona October 13, 2009 - At the beginning of 2009 Semico predicted the exact month the semiconductor industry would rebound. The downturn is now firmly behind us, and much of that is due to strong growth in the consumer market, helping third quarter semiconductor revenues increase by 16.8%. Out of over 40 end use markets, Semico has identified the top 5 that have contributed to the recovery and which will continue to provide large growth for the industry.

5 High Growth Markets

At the beginning of 2009 Semico predicted the exact month the semiconductor industry would rebound. The downturn is now firmly behind us, and much of that is due to strong growth in the consumer market, helping third quarter semiconductor revenues increase by 16.8%. Out of over 40 end use markets, Semico has identified the top 5 that have contributed to the recovery and which will continue to provide large growth for the industry.

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