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March 2006

Sir Robin Saxby, Chairman of ARM, Delivers Keynote at Semico Summit

Phoenix, Arizona March 23, 2006 - On Monday, March 13, 2006, Sir Robin Saxby, Chairman of ARM and Deputy President of the IEE, delivered the keynote presentation at the ninth annual Semico Summit. Titled “Don’t Just Survive, Thrive”, his presentation stressed the importance of innovation in order to thrive in the semiconductor market. Sir Robin began by pointing out that the industry growth in the 80’s and 90’s was based on scaling of computing power at the expense of power consumption.

Frans Van Houten, CEO of Philips Semiconductors, Delivers Semico Summit Keynote

Phoenix, Arizona March 23, 2006 - “The key features of a successful business: teamwork, strategy, passion and being fit,” stated Frans van Houten, CEO of Philips Semiconductors, in a keynote presentation delivered recently at the ninth annual Semico Summit. The companies struggling in the marketplace are the ones that have lost their passion, he added.

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